Tuesday, February 2, 2021

WWE NXT UK 1/28/2021

 WWE NXT UK 1/28/2021

I reviewed last week's episode with pics and gifs here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2021/01/wwe-nxt-uk-1212021.html 


Jordan Devlin comes out to start the show. He said it's not enough that he's the longest reigning NXT UK Cruiserweight champ, but he wants to have the most defenses and be known as the best cruiserweight champ ever.

Trent Seven then comes out. He agrees with him and says maybe he and the cruiserweight division needs. Trent said maybe he needs the challenge too. Trent said he will get down to 205 and said he wants a title shot once he gets there. Jordan agreed and made some weight comments, then Trent nailed him for it. Trent then stepped on his title when Jordan tried to take it with him and said he will take the title.

We see The Hunt getting ready in the back with Eddie Dennis.

They do a quick package on Kay Lee Ray then a package on Meiko Satomura. She said she is one of the best in the world and has won a lot of titles. in Japan. She said to be prepared because she is here in NXT UK.

Pretty Deadly is warming up in the back.

Ben Carter vs Sam Gradwell

Sam comes out with a mic and says he is making a speech. He told Ben well done on making it to NXT and made fun of his hometown. He said he's here to be a thunderstorm, not a pretty fireworks display and said he would send him back across the English Channel.

Sam works the arm and Carter comes back with two dropkicks. Ben dropkicks him off the 2nd rope then Sam comes back and starts roughing him up, hitting a hard forearm. Nigel said that Sam told him he found a stranger in his house once and brogue kicked him through the wall. Ben tries to make a comeback but takes a hard back elbow.

Ben hits a nice release butterfly suplex on him for 2 and sits on his shoulders for a pin but can't finish it. Ben knocks Gradwell out of the ring and then dives on him then does a flip dive where he mostly missed him. Ben went for a springboard and got caught and was thrown, then STO'd.

Ben did an asai moonsault off the 2nd rope into a sling blade, then hit a frogsplash off the top to win. This was good for the time it was given and both guys look like they have a lot of potential.

Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster warmed up in the back. 

Noam Dar and Sha Samurels were seen talking in the back.

Josh Morrell vs Sha Samuels

Morrell did a flip out of a wristlock and was slammed down soon after. Josh did a nice go over in the corner into an armdrag and took a hard lariat.

Josh kind of botched a back body drop but the landing looked cool. Sha pounded on him more and Josh hit a nice running leg lariat. Josh back cartwheeled out of a shove then hit a backflip dropkick. Josh ran up the ropes and did a corkscrew and landed on his feet to come back down. Then he got lariated soon after.

Sha then hit a nice spinebuster and did a cobra clutch camel clutch for the win in a decent match. Josh is a little sloppy but he will be fine if he can fix that.

Ilja Dragunov was interviewed in the back. He said he didn't know what happened in his match with Jack Starz as it pertains to how violent he was. Sam Gradwell interrupted with something.

Rampage Brown ran into Galius in the back. Brown told Joe Coffey it looked like he needed a challenge.

#1 Contenders to the WWE NXT UK Tag Titles - Elimination Match - Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster vs Pretty Deadly vs The Hunt vs Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter

Eddie Dennis is barred from ringside and can't help The Hunt.

#1 Contenders to the WWE NXT UK Tag Titles - Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster vs Pretty Deadly vs The Hunt vs Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter

Smith is sunset flipped then dropkicked early. Andrews jumps off of Websters back and huricanrana's Carter. Gallus is seen watching with popcorn in the stands. Carter and Smith do a silly spring rebound into a splash. Pretty Deadly holds onto each other to avoid a german, then Howley and Stoker both get german suplexed. Everyone goes at it.

Hunt nails Smith with a double headbutt. Boar takes a nasty back body drop from Smith. Webster does a springboard dropkick then an asai moonsault onto Howley. Andrews saves his partner from a suplex, then they double dropkick their opponents then do a double flip dive. They do a tower of doom spot.

Carter jumps off of Howley's back then does a moonsault to the outside. Primate dives on Carter into a superkick and Webster does a big flip sell on a Primate clothesline. Carter and Smith do a springboard cutter on Primate and take out the The Hunt with a Primate pin.

Smith comes in and hits some big clothesline son PD then does a wild gutwrench suplex onto Sam. Smith backdrops his partner Carter into a 450. Andrews' team did a reverse hurricanrana and a pumping knee combo to eliminate Carter and Smith.

Andrews slid under a PD clothesline then did double backflip kicks onto them. Andrews did a springboard hurricanrana on Howley for 2. Stoker did a cool spinning backbreaker into a giant swing into a single leg crab on Andrews, who just had his knee injury activated. Sam then did a figure four on Andrews but Webster broke it up. Andrews turned a suplex into a stunner.

Webster did a top rope swanton onto Stoker's back and Andrews slingshot hurricarana'd Howley on the outside. Stoker was back body dropped over the top onto his partner then Webster swanton dived both opponents on the outside. Andrews ran the ropes and Eddie Dennis appeared out of nowhere with a chair to his knee. PD then held up Andrews while Howley neckbreakered him to win.

Pretty good match action wise. Story wise, they could have capitalized on Andrews' injured knee more but this was hard not to like. All action from start to finish.

PD then stared down with Gallus to end the show.

Overall thoughts: Another pretty good episode of NXT UK as usual with a main event a lot of people are going to love.

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